Friday, October 21, 2011

Engagement shoot

My sister-in-law and my cousin are getting married next June.  Yes, I did just write that...and no we don't live in Arkansas. Crazy story actually. My wife and I started dating and did the long distance thing our senior year of high school. She's from iowa and myself from New Mexico. Only meeting each other do to a visit she made to a friend in New Mexico on a family summer vacation. Long story short, we hit it off, fell in love and here we are!

Well, while in college I would always go home for the holidays. Steph (my wife) came down for our families New Years party a couple of those years and one year her younger sister Stacey, AKA Ping, came along with to visit a friend. During this same time my cousin, Bryant, who was on leave from the Navy was also in town. They both came to the family New Years party. And as you probably have guessed they too hit it off, dated long distance, fell in love and now are getting married. Which leads up to these pics and the point to this post.

Ping and Bryant came to visit us a couple weeks ago in Cedar Falls, and while they were here we did an engagement shoot. It was a lot of fun and easy going. Especially since it was family. The following are some of the pictures from the shoot.

I was really glad they came when they did because it was the peak weekend for the fall colors :) the next couple days it rained and then got cold... so now here in cedar falls the trees are dull and brown.

Enjoy the pics! If you want to check out more of the session visit our facebook page and be sure to "like it"

Well that is all for tonight...

Good night and God Bless!


1 comment:

  1. Your photography blows me away. So very very artistic! You definitely capture the beauty that God created on earth and in people. I look very forward to you taking the photos for my wedding. -Jade
